Hopp til hovedinnhold - v4.34.7
New feature: view fineart objects in AR using KulturPunkt by clicking the button on the object page
Improved search on museum list page
Use EMS for IIIF view
- v4.34
New object type Naval Vessel available for publishing from Primus to DigitaltMuseum
Added support for publishing and displaying 3D models as media content to object type Naval Vessel
Improved quality of downloadable images for objects that have uploaded high quality images
- v4.33
DM+: Added customization to change order of fields and functionality for swtiching fields on and off to the new grouped view on objects.
Improved functionality and workflow for folder collaboration
- v4.32
DM+: Users having activated DM+ may now export search results, folders and exhibitions to filetypes XLS and JSON
Users may change view on object pages to grouped fields
Multiple minor bugfixes
New floorplan feature to 360-photos in Virtual Experiences
- v4.30
Released first version of "DigitaltMuseum+" including new header and collaborative folders. Users may now activate DigitaltMuseum+ in order to access advanced features and collaborate on collecting objects to folders
- v4.29
Use EMS for article images and request size based on ration
- v4.28
Bugfixes: UUID for related objects and remove temporary users concept
- v4.27
Added link to article on object page where object og image from object has been used in an article
Added Virtual Experinces content block to article editor
Added School block to article editor
Added new features to scrolly tell articles: table of contents, possibility to lock a section, new buttons for linking to external urls or building content in "tool tips" and animated travels in maps.
Added "Quiz" as a new virtual experience. Please refer to the following example for the new features: https://digitaltmuseum.no/virtual-experiences/8093828e-f3c0-4c75-9d32-a82e60d98b43
- v4.25.18
DM admin: Fixed links to virtual experiences
DM admin: Added statistics for audio, video and virtual experiences
DM admin: Fixed bug causing metadata to disappear from media files
- v4.25.15
DM admin: Fixed links to virtual experiences
DM admin: Added statistics for audio, video and virtual experiences
DM admin: Fixed bug causing metadata to disappear from media files
- v4.25.15
Fixed advanced search and link to classification
- v4.25.7
Increased number of characters in photo byline in articles
Fixed wrong links in UUID searches
Fixed bug returning irrelevant museums in museum name searches
- v4.25
Released a new application for museums to publish school articles and apply metadata such as subject, grade and curriculum
Released a new object type "school" in DigitaltMuseum which makes it possible for museums to publish their school articles to DigitaltMuseum
Released a new search page for teachers to search and explore the school articles
- v4.24.14
Fixed bug causing timeline to fail
Several bugfixes related to new museum pages
Bugfixes related to statistics 24.01.2024
- v4.24.13
Added support to show museum pages without coordinates/map 17.10.2023
- v4.24.6
Bugfixes 09.10.2024
- v4.24.5
Added pagination to article list in DM admin 24.09.2023
- v4.24.2
Fixed error deleting museums from favourites list
Credit/byline for photographer only to be shown when producer is active 29.08.2023
- v4.24.0
Added support for multiple collections to museums
- v4.23.1
Links to external websites now open in new tab
Changes to collection pages in preparations to support multiple collections
- v4.23.0
Released new version of profile page including tabs for newsfeed, favourite searches and museums and folders
- v4.22.3
Bugfixing - usage of % in searches fixed
Added feature for saving searches to your profile
- v4.17.9
Separated museums and collections. Each museum has their own page in addition to a page dedicated to their collection
New design on museum pages
New design on collection pages
Created a new page for searching, browsing and filtering all museums in a list and map
Created a new page for searching all collections in DigitaltMuseum
- v4.17.8
Changes to description field on objects
Hide download link to audio files depending on license
Show owner/museum on object cards
- v4.17
Added virtual exhibitions as object type to DigitaltMuseum. Museums may now publish interactive articles, 3D exhibitions and virtual 360 tours.
- v4.14
Added support for new publishable fields from Primus. Also support for translations.
- v4.13
Implemented CSRF protection
- v4.12.17
Printer friendly styleheets
New article header. Added function to define color on article headers and cards
Improved view for related objects 25.05.2022
- v4.12.1
Content blocks included in the DigitaltMuseum API
Added support for audio and video in articles
Added media gallery to DM admin, including support for uploading and organizing audio, video, documents and images
Archaeology - fetch investigations from archaeology server, added investigation as new object type and page, connecting objects to investigation
Added export feature for images from folders to Wikimedia to DM admin
Added support for Nynorsk to the DM search widget
- v4.10.9
Fixed Sketchfab issue
- v4.10.8
Changes in search for Wikipedia articles in objects
Added feature for museums to remove irrelevant Wikipedia links in objects
- v4.10.0
- v4.9.0
Changes to support WCAG 2.1 requirements
- v4.8.2
- v4.5.0
- v4.5.0
New Single Sign in (login)
New features in article editor:
Field for photo licensing
Field for byline on an articles main image
Allow unlimited length on photo texts
Button for discarding changes in articles
Support for markdown in the lead/introduction
WYSIWIG editor for generating markdown tags
- v4.4.9
Bugfixes objects
- v4.4.8
Fixed broken download links
- New Article Editor
Released new article editor integrated in DM Admin app in eKultur portal (portal.ekultur.org). The editor will be enabled for each museum on demand. Please contact KulturIT support. This version of the editor includes the following new features:
Search field in article lists
Paging between article lists
Tags (topics) may be added to articles
New range of filters available to apply to photos
Alert user when navigating away from (unsaved) articles
User may now select and use all photos in an object in articles
- v4.4.0
Fixed selector explosions
- v4.3.0
DigitaltMuseum and all images now has support for IIIF. A IIIF viewer has been implemented and can be accessed in folders and exhibitions by selecting the "Gallery" view
New features on the museums page/overview including search limited to museums (owners) and all museums shown on the map
Display object type on object pages
Removed image placeholder on objects that do not have images
Minor adjustments to inquires information
- v4.2.21
Added links for advanced search and object types to navigation
Fixed search sorting on ID and published interval combined with owner
Show multiple links to multiple KulturNavn objects (names)
- v4.2.20
Bugfix for limited file size uploads in DigitaltMuseum article editor
KulturNav show value for occupation field
- v4.2.19
Bugfixes related to operators (AND, OR and NOT) in search. Please refer to https://dok.digitaltmuseum.org/soketips for documentation
- v4.2.18
Added templates for individual object types pages. Please visit https://digitaltmuseum.no/photograph for an example (currently only available if language is set to Norwegian)
- v4.2.17
Improved search context bar. When entering an object page from a search result, the browsable context bar (next/previous object) should be more stable
Bugfix related to ID search
New GDPR/privacy policy, also translated to English and Swedish
- v4.2.16
Added background image to related KulturNav cards
- v4.2.15
Improved presentation (images and metadata) when sharing links to search results in social media
Added collection feature to folders, articles and exhibitions. You may no collect these object types in folders.
- v4.2.14
Image Recognition POC
- v4.2.13
Re-ordered itmes in licence groups
Added motif types to object type "photograph"
- v4.2.12
Re-ordered items in licence filters for search results/advanced search
Added field for EHF for invoice in image order forms
Added feature for expanding/collapsing for groups; technique, colour, measurements and other information
- v4.2.11
Fixed search using commas. Please not that commas are used to separate search keywords. In order to include a comma in a search term, use quotes. For instance: "7,92 mm patron"
Several changes to license searches: added CC0 to license filter and search, changed groups and orders of license filters and changed articulation
- v4.2.10
Fixed bug causing owners (museums) to be excluded as search cards in search results
Fixed bug causing folders and exhibitions to show duplicated on owner pages
- v4.2.9
Bugfixes related to comments, saving owner pages and certain styling in the zoom view of media
- v4.2.8
Fixed bug causing objects with artifacts using wrong format on coordinates to not show
Display comments on licences
Added checkbox for accepting terms and conditions to order forms for photos
Fixed feature to show all objects in a group, for instance https://digitaltmuseum.no/021027449052/serviettsamling
Changed the label "Name" to "Designation" in object pages for several object types
Faster search in queries starting with *
Added producer to search cards (results) of object type "Thing"
Bugfixes related to image orders and language issues in exhibitions
Comments on licenses (BONO) may be configured for museums (owners) and switched on
Improved relevancy in suggested Wikipedia articles on objects. Please refer to https://dok.digitaltmuseum.org/en/wikipedia-links for a description of how this works.
- v4.2.7
Changed the name of downloadable files to include the object ID as well as the description of the object it belongs to
Altered the "producer" field in the advanced search
Fixed translations for exhibition names
- v4.2.6
Added HD video support to all browsers. Video quality is now presented depending on bandwith
Added new fields "technique" and "classfication" to search/advanced search
Name (from name post) is now linked to a search on the name from the object
- v4.2.5
Several bugfixes: also show objects with missing municipality numbers
add more information to "persons" from KulturNav
add timeperiod to Exhibitions (KulturNav)
fixed bugs in the harvest for Norvegiana
added images to KulturNav objects in DM
fixed line break in the "Building" field in Constructions causin it to display \n,
fixed bug causing a changed header image in articles not to update
Fixed producer without timespan
Fixed bug in DiMu search widget
- v4.2.4
Fixed missing user folders
Fixed bug causing some colour images to convert to grayscale
- v4.2.3
Front pages (.no/.se) are now editbale through the article editor
- v4.2.2
Improved and rearranged the content in the History section of objects
Fixed the label of the suggested search context for folders and exhibiton when searching within these
- v4.2.1
Added overlay with link to survey on .no
Prevent owner cards to appear in owner sections of the search
- v4.1.2.2
Show recent articles on the front page of DigitaltMuseum
Several bugfixes including:
Fixed missing licence and photo credits on certain objects
Fixed faulty search on owner pages
Fixed bug causing button for downloading photos to display incorrectly.
Fixed bugs in the zoom view on photos
Regenerated data i DM admin
Fixed bugs related to articles on the map
Merged DigitaltMuseum editor adding:
Editing (greyscale and cropping) images inn all blocks
Preview of unpublished articles/owner pages to logged in users in the portal
Updated meta and photo for sharing articles in social media
Set title and description of the article to the cover of the article automatically
If a photo from an object published on DigitaltMuseum is used as a media file, link the photo to the corresponding object
Feature to show unpublished collections to logged in (owner)users
Automatically scroll to the corresponding block when the user clicks in the block's preview area
Search, select and add all DM objects to an article
Show article metadata at the bottom of the article
Automatically fetch and insert title and photographer to media files from DM objects
Insert photos from DM objects in the background cover
Automatically unpublish deleted articles
Several bugfixes
- v4.2.0
Released dashboard and edior for homepages and articles
- v4.1.6
Fixed context bar for Internet Explorer making it possible to browse to the next object from a search from an object page
Added the context bar to exhibitions and folders making it possible to browse to the next object in the folder/exhibition from the object page
Fixed download links on the zoomed version of photos
- v4.1.5
Disable map on object pages until user clicks link to show map
- v4.1.3
Prevent map load on pages without map data
- v4.1.2.5
Add owner/museum title to head on museum page
Reorder content on Construction and NavalVessel templates
- v4.1.2.4
Fixed download link for images in Safari
Fixed bug on "See more" button
Show producer on search card
- v4.1.2.3
Added support for type:construction. Construction from KulturNav.
Changes to KulturNav fields
- v4.1.2
Searching for naval vessels returns objects with provenance in the search result
Permanent identifiers - URLs are persistent
Users must now be registered and logged in, in order to leave tags on objects
- v4.1.1.11
Implemented satellite view on maps
- v4.1.1.8
Bugfixes on comments
- v4.1.1.7
- v4.1.1.6
- v4.1.1.4
- v4.1.1.3
Caching and performance enhancement
Bugfixes related for folders
- v4.1.1.2
Order photographer before reprophotographer regardless of Primus order
- v4.1.1
Front page load performance optimization
Cache deficient folders/objects dataset
Show published date/updated date as metadata on all object pages
- v4.1.0.71
Performance improvements
- v4.1.0.62
Added robot detection to download log
- v4.1.0.5
Added sort order to search result page
- v4.1.0
Major changes to search
Moved search logic to backend
Seamless transition between search/advanced search. Applied filters are kept when switching.
New filters and facets: types, collections/museums, content type and license
Added counter to drill down filters to indicate number of hits
New "Images" view available
Several bugfixes related to search
- v4.0.52
Moved parameters from URL to cookie on object pages
Replaced Zepto with jQuery
Multi language support in exhibitions, defined in Primus (try switching between Swedish and English languages on the following exhibtion)
Fixed URL leading back to a search from the context bar
- v4.0.51
Show 3D content from Sketchfab linked from Primus in the media viewer on the object's page in DigitaltMuseum. More information here
Implemented (Ajax) user feedback on inquiries and comments for improved user experience
New tag administration - admin users now recieve e-mail notifications when new tags are added to objects. They can also delete tags on the object pages if logged in
When recieving image order e-mails, the number of the ordered image(s) is included if the object consists of more than one image
Changed title of audio/video in Related objects
Added information about privacy policy and use of cookies
Changed order of image Twitter uses for sharing. Now using main image
Moved duplicated object identifier field
New config set up
- v4.0.50
Display objectID below title on the object page
Corrected dates displayed incorrect from KulturNav
- v4.0.49
Fixed problems with audio playback
Corrected file extensions on downloadable files
Fixed search results page on a certain owner
Added a check on keywords to avoid spam
New templates for organization and person KulturNav
- v4.0.48
New Facebook widget on the front page.
Bugfixes including link to comments section on objects, captcha check on keywords and missing objects in certain folders
- v4.0.47
Display background image on KulturNav cards.
Display error when trying to access a folder which is not published
Enable captcha check on keywords
Fixed bug on scrolling of the front page
- v4.0.46
Bugfix for KulturNav post without image
Display ID on cards for posts without images
General bugfixes
Added support for limiting search to types. Please refer to Search help for details
- v4.0.45
Show photo for persons from KulturNav
Show thumbnails of images from folders as mosaics on the folder cards
A number of bugfixes
- v4.0.44
Removed captcha validation for logged in users
Added favicon
- v4.0.44
Added image thumbnails to all folders from Primus
Improved the zoom view for images: navigation buttons in IE
New CC-icons
New advanced search:
New interface
Improved support for switching between search and advanced search. Applied filters will now be kept when navigating between the two.
Added support for using the search syntax in regular search. It is now possible to scope your search to certain filters using the syntax. For instance - to search for "smycken" only within Nordiska Museet's collections, use smycken owner:S-NM or to search for troll with a cc-by-sa license, use troll license:by-sa. For more examples of use, refer to Search help
- v4.0.43
Fixed objects with no title failing to show
Improved sharing of folders and exhibitions in social media (images)
Improved performance/security
- v4.0.42
Advanced search using the "topic" field does not distinguish between the use of capitalisation or lower case letters
Fixed bug causing audio and video files to sort in the wrong order when searching for audio/video
Fixed some visual bugs related to adding objects in folders and order basket as well as the preamble in exhibitions.
- v4.0.41
Removed comments section and links to comments section in KulturNav posts
Combined licences in categories in advanced search and changed selection to drop-down list
Changed owner selection in advanced search from input field to drop-down list
A number og bugfixes
- v4.0.40.1
Removed default quotation marks to searches. In order to perform an exact match search (using phrases), the user now has to use quotation marks delibarately as opposed to previously being applied to all searches by default
Removed "text:" which previously was applied in front of all text searches
Enabled searching/search suggestions within folders and exhibitions
- v4.0.40
Combined Identifier, DiMu-code and UUID into a single field in the search named "ID". This field will now accept all the previous mentioned IDs.
Expanded to a broader search in the "Title"-field
Expanded to a broader search in the "Time"-field
Added the title of the context of which a search has been performed to the search results page. For instance "Folder Name: number of results"
Added links to related objects to certain objects
Added comments to the style-field for "things"
Removed the title of a folder/exhibition to the "Images" view
- v4.0.39
New design to comments and form inquiries
Added shortcuts to comments section on object pages
Implemented invisible reCAPTCHA to forms/comments
Added random deficient folders (and objects) to the front page
Implemented print stylesheet
- v4.0.38
Increased the level of color contrast to the collage on the frontpage
Bug fixes to folders
- v4.0.37
Added number of objects in folder displayed on each folder card
Added number of objects in exhibition displayed to each exhibition card
Added photo to represent objects in a folder on the folder cards
Bug fixes related to timeline view
Fixed bug to keep correct context in timeline view of a search
Improved presentation of "inscription" field on objects
- v4.0.36
Major design changes to folders:
The changes include stronger distinctions between private, shared as well as folders published by museums. This also indicates that folders must be set to shared mode in order to be viewabale by others. The release also includes design changes to folders in collection mode.
Bug fixes related to folders
- v4.0.35
Fixed errors in certain links from KulturNav objects
Fixed error causing Facebook to display image from wrong object when shared
Bugfix on comments in the statistics (.se/.no)
- v4.0.34
Display list of latest commented objects on the front page
Reversed default exposed advanced search fields
- v4.0.33
Show related objects in KulturNav objects
Fixed a bug in the media viewer causing the zoom level to reset when changing focus point at a zoomed state
A minor fix for the lead text and description text of exhibitions
Other minor fixes
- v4.0.32
Richer KulturNav objects
Added information about licence to NavalVessel
Removed order and comment options for KulturNav objects
Removed contact option in KulturNav objects with no licence information
Added links to copyright information (.se)
- v4.0.31
Added two new selectable views to objects in folders and exhibitions (grid view and image view)
Changed the default view of folders and exhibitions to the standard grid view
Changed load more objects in folders and exhibitions from pagination to lazy loading
Added show objects within a folder in the search view
Fixed a bug causing the post KW Gullers from KulturNav not to show
Show advanced search open as default unless text, place, topic or time is used in the search. This makes it possible to search within a folder.
Added expand/collapse text to the excerpt of an exhibition
General bugfixes related to folders
- v4.0.30
Added support for asterisk (*) and question mark (?) as wildcards in search. Use ? to replace any single character with a wildcard, use ?? to replace two characters as wildcards, use ??? to replace three characters etc. Using * will replace an unspecified number of characters.
Fixed bugs causing the places filter to not show objects in Northern Norway.
Fixed a bug causing "landskap" and "sockn" to display incorrectly
Fixed adding keywords to objects
- v4.0.29
Added navigation arrows to the media viewer when browsing to the next object
Added support for browsing to objects not containing media files
- v4.0.28
Fixed an issue causing applied licences in the advanced search to be unremoveable
Advanced search now only returns relevant results for the applied CC-licence(s)
Fixed an issue causing several bugs in Safari/Android browser
- v4.0.27
Added an error message to pages that do not exist or cannot be found. The error page now also displays a list of the latest objects in DigitaltMuseum
Fixed a bug causing the main photo on the museum pages to displace in IE
- v4.0.26
Added feature to browse to the next object in the media viewer accessing an object in a context, for instance from a search
Fixed a bug causing the number of objects displayed in a suggested search term in the museum pages to not represent the actual amount of objects
Increased the level of contrast and colors on the photo collage on the front page
Updated the general meta content/text for representation in Facebook and search engines
Changed the size of the "News" elements on the front page to the same size as on the museum pages
- v4.0.25
Fixed a bug causing the search to automatically convert to a quote search (exact match) by using phrases of two or more words.
Fixed a bug causing the quote search (exact match) to break when using certain special characters
Fixed bug causing wrong focus when adding objects to a folder
- v4.0.24
The message field to the museum in the order form is now set to required
Fixed title for photos. Now fetches from correct field
Stories can now be added to folders
Fixed formatting errors in presentation of stories in folders
Implemented user feedback and verification in the comments fields
Verification of Recaptcha
Fixed the search syntax for stories from DigitaltFortalt
The search is now set to prioritise within an owner/collection when searching from a museum page
Fixed search within certain contexts
Fixed the presentation of objects with several related objects
Removed entries for KulturNav and DigitaltFortalt in the museum overview
Reset numeral when changing context after performing a search
- v4.0.23
When navigating back to a search result context from an object, the correct place in the list is kept
Related objects with a UUID using both lowercase and uppercase letters now get displayed
Fixed bug causing related objects to not show
Fixed certain HTML-tags
Fixed a bug related to hyphen polyfill in order to improve the use and diplay of line breaks
Fixed flexbox in older versions of Safari
- v4.0.22
Several bugfixes related to Safari and IE
- v4.0.21
Fixed a bug when performing a search action too fast, the last part of the search tended to get excluded
Added colors to museum objects on museum list page
Hyphenation polyfill adding dash in line breaks
- v4.0.20
Added delete feature to folders as well as objects in folders. This feature also includes a number of bugfixes.
Fixed link to show more objects in photo series
Implemented related objects for certain objects where missing
Added a mosaic of photos from random objects to the front page
Removed decimals for numbers where unnecessary (.0)
Added support for hyphenation in line breaks
Fixed a bug in browsing objects in folders containing 20+ objects
Changed the size of objects in News section on museum pages
Changed the order of certain elements on museum pages
- v4.0.19
Added featured image to exhibitions
Added list of latest objects to the owner pages
Minor bugfixes
- v4.0.18
Optimised the grid for search, relations, front page and owner pages
Implemented the visual logic of the order process to the add objects to folder process
Changed the order of the social media icons in the sharing option
Added comments icon to objects with comments
A number of general design improvements
- v4.0.17
Minor bugfixes including:
Removed recurring colons in various art object fields
Added the field "Trademarks" to the object page
Added support for line break/paragraphing in motif description from Primus
Added line breaks/paragraphing to the expanded view of the biography/history of a person
- v4.0.16
Added lead/introduction to stories from "DigitaltFortalt"
Display several owners on objects
Removed the order options at the bottom of each object
- v4.0.15
New map design
Bugfix related to searching museum names. The search now returns results in all museums
- v4.0.14.2
- v4.0.14
Register correct IP address for comments, downloads and object hit
- v4.0.13
New media player skin.
Removed download button from media player
Easier access to media downloads from object page
Published the field "Style" for objects
Fixed certain objects from H-DF
New favicon
- v4.0.12.1
Added reCAPTCHA to comments form
- v4.0.12
Improved social sharing
Added links to contact the museums from the museum page
Added a new "hotlinks" menu to the header
Added search links to the main menu
Added list of latest objects to the front page
Fixed link to expand information about persons
- v4.0.11
Fixes related to publishing and browsing lists
- v4.0.10
Redesigned order process
Access to profile page and order basket from header
Latest published objects links available from footer
General design improvements and bugfixes
- v4.0.9
Added link to end order process.
Minor bugfixes related to IE11 and layout.
- v4.0.8
Minor bugfixes.
- v4.0.7
Bugfix related to search and mapviews in IE 11.
Added field in advanced search for downloadable photos.
Pagination in folders containing more than 20 posts.
- v4.0.6
Minor bugfixes.
- v4.0.5
Minor bugfixes and translations.
- v4.0.4
General design improvements. Added shortcuts for folders and exhibitions in the footer.
- v4.0.3
Folder accessibility. Added feature to remove image from order.
- v4.0.2
Added order features.
- v4.0.1
Timeline for name posts.
- v4.0.0
Released new version of DigitaltMuseum.
Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 1